New Das Reich Clan Gamer of the year trophy is HERE!!!
This trophy will be awarded to the player who wins the most points in our monthly competitions. Monthly winners will also win prizes,
October award won by [2nd-SS] Kristoph through the sniper comp, Congrats!
ONLY members will qualify for these prizes...Sorry but only Australian members can win the Gamer of the Year trophy because of cost of delivery (but if won will receive a smaller trophy or award don't worry!). The monthly awards cannot be won 2 months in a row by the same person but points STILL go towards gamer of the year. So keep watching this page and the upcoming events page for more details. An aggregate trophy is also on the way so keep an eye out for it on this page.
Remember these trophies are MEMBERS ONLY! so join up now.....
Become a member now.... click here |